Unterstützer Trailerdreh


Wir möchten uns ganz herzlich bei allen Unterstützern unseres Trailerdrehs bedanken!

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Sponsoring / Sachspenden / Unterstützer:
Maier Bros. GmbH Filmgeräteverleih, Kameraverleih Ludwig, Media City Atelier
Bagel Brothers, Lipz-Schorle, Juckreiz Tattoo
Fahrradladen Rückenwind, Studentenwerk Leipzig, Buchhandlung Grümmer
Jule Nagel/Linxxnet, LVB, Umsonstladen
Tafel e.V., Familie Lehmann, JG-Stadtmitte Jena
Paul Schlesier, Anke Guderle, Frankman
Familie Seiffert, Gießer 17

Buch/Regie: Tilman König, Karl-Friedrich König
Producer: Holger Zigan, Produktionsleitung: Frederike Grasnick-Eckhold
Regieassistenz: Toni Heye, Aufnahmeleitung: Obst, Produktionsassistenz: Susann Frey
Kamera: Tilman König, Kammeraassistent: Petar Manov, Sebastian Teichmann, Philipp Lemmerich
Licht: Dennis Jackstien, Lichtassistenz: Emanuel Pelz
Ton: Tim Ihde, Tonassistenz: Jan Mühlberg
Setrunner: Meike Martin, Martin Skurt
Grip: Florian Ritter Flowsen
Catering: Theresa Doss
Ausstattung: Franziska Merkel, Catharina Zopf, Sina Mühlbauer
Setfotografie: Denise Lipfert, Sören Zweiniger
Homepage: Ruben Dähne, Mandy Krollhofer, Thomas Pientka
Making Of: Dirko Goebel
Farbkorrektur: Enrico Wittich, Musik: André Hoffmann
Stuntchoreografie: Oliver Juhrs
Organisation: Kristina Dulson, Jonathan Rohde
Presse: Markus Gärtner

Aloysius Itoka  Beate Prahl  Brian Völkner

Christian von Aster

The best writers are also avid readers. The more diverse your reading material, the more you will be exposed to different types of sentence structures, vocabulary, tones, techniques and stylistic choices, which you can then begin to incorporate into your own writing as you develop your skills. Brainstorming and sketching do not always have to be done within a writing application. Students who learn more visually can find colorful desk accessories such as Post-It notes or tabs to formulate their thoughts useful. Ask them to write down each individual element of their story or essay on their own note; Then they can rearrange the notes until they feel comfortable with the flow. They can even use notes of different colors to organize their ideas, for example, the facts are written in blue notes while quotes or transitions are written in yellow. Of course, there are a lot of good applications online for this too, like MindMapper. Creating a writing corner. Ask your students where they think they write best. Maybe they like background noise or a comfortable chair. They may need as little distraction as possible. Work with them to create a writing corner where they can withdraw each time they need to put a pencil on the paper (or text on the screen). Many students who read this post here will attest to the benefits of customizing their courses according to their interests or needs. Your student does not have to be enrolled in an online school to access a large amount of resources offered by online classes. Coursera can help you find writing classes at accredited universities, while Mediabistro offers its own writing courses to help your student improve.

Milka, Rage, Fussel, Roscher, Spatz, Volly Tanner
Gerd Ahlemann, Karin Pohl, Matthias Ahlemann, Loki Yggdrasil, Andreas Jeschke
und viele andere

Beratung & Unterstützung:
Kalemba Mukumadi, Maria Allendorf, Friederike Philipson, Lothar König, Kanwal Sethi, Kaori Murata-König

Und ein großes Dankeschön an alle Komparsen!!!

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